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Dear forum members,

Posted: 14 Mar 2008, 21:14
by TheDutchMan
Dear forum members,

I have a urgent problem. I have download Phoca Gallery and I am using it on my site. But, when I try to use the component on the frontend, I get an error saying the following (message translated from Dutch, my Windows is Dutch):

The website http://.........../index.php?option=com_phocagallery&view=category&id=1&Itemid=17 cannot be opened. The operation has been aborted.

I really don't know what to do. Please help me by telling me how to fix this problem. I'm using Joomla 1.5.0 (full, not beta). The component works perfectly, except for this issue.

Kind regards,

Hi, this is not a pr

Posted: 14 Mar 2008, 23:27
by Jan
Hi, this is not a problem of gallery, for more information see:

index.php?action=vthread&forum=1&topic= ... e=0#msg833

I hope it will help you,


Hi Jan,I

Posted: 15 Mar 2008, 12:03
by TheDutchMan
Hi Jan,

I'm sorry, but none of the mentioned modules/components are installed on my site. So that can't be the problem. Do you have any other solutions?

Kind regards,

Posted: 15 Mar 2008, 12:56
by Jan
no idea but there must be some javascript code which cause it ... try to check all modules, components a plugins which you have installed ...

Thanks, I've so

Posted: 15 Mar 2008, 21:45
by TheDutchMan
Thanks, I've solved the problem. The problem was in a countdown module.

Posted: 16 Mar 2008, 01:33
by Jan