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Hi JanAs

Posted: 04 Dec 2007, 22:00
by Gargarospo
Hi Jan

As I'm happily introducing Phoca Gallery into one of the websites I manage, while migrating it from php without any framework (nor CMS) to Joomla 1.5 RC3, I also have an issue concerning image size.

I read the thread "3 images (orginal+bigthumb+smallthumb)", where you talk about the actually 4 kind of images that your Phoca Gallery deal with.

Concerning with original images, have you though about the chance of accepting a list of URL to pictures stored in a web server, other than the one who host Joomla?

It could be an easy text list in a textarea, or a local text file to be uploaded, like ... AGE_10.jpg ... AGE_11.jpg

In this way, the issue concerning web space should be enormously reduced (though I understand that binding a file in the same server to the three levels of thumbnails it's much easier and efficient than binding them to a different one)

Thanks for all you great work

Hi, I don't kno

Posted: 05 Dec 2007, 12:44
by Jan
Hi, I don't know If I understand you correctly but If you want to do thumbnails, the original files must be saved in the web server, where Joomla! 1.5 works and where are the thumbnails used.

Do you mean?

a) Original files are not stored on the same web server, only thumbnails. Whihle creating thumbnails, Phoca Gallery takes the original files from other web server
b) The website takes all photos from other web server


Hi JanI

Posted: 06 Dec 2007, 15:46
by Gargarospo
Hi Jan

I mean a): the original files are not on the same server of Joomla. It could be useful to save space on that server, and phoca gallery would take them by means of the URL list.

Only an idea...


If you create thumbn

Posted: 06 Dec 2007, 16:42
by Jan
If you create thumbnails on the server, you need the original files. They must be saved on the same server ...
