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No more back-end

Posted: 26 Jul 2016, 09:00
by @yourservice
To fill my guestbook again I deleted all entries and did the whole migration again: ... o-joomla-3

Now I have no more back-end. When I type it just stays on .

I can see there are 94 lines in jos_phocaguestbook_items in the database, which is correct.

There were no error messages!

What can I do?

Re: No more back-end

Posted: 28 Jul 2016, 20:51
by Jan
Hi, hmm, Phoca Guestbook does not have any influence on administration (no system plugin), so cannot be influenced by any function set in Phoca Guestbook as it is not active :idea:

First of all, you need to get information what caused the redirect from administrator to normal site :idea: (try to see errorLog on your server, etc) :idea:
