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Frontend Upload

Posted: 27 Aug 2016, 15:50
by gedo

the frontend upload doesn't work since update in May 2016 (I'd made all updates - phoca download & joomla). but I didn't know there is a problem in the frontend-upload...
I can select the category, write Name of the file, select a file from my Computer, .... but after click on "upload" there is nothing. The file will be not saved.
I also can't see older files in the category-listing (fronted).

Thank you

Re: Frontend Upload

Posted: 28 Aug 2016, 11:03
by Jan
Hi, when you look at errorLog on your server (php errors), are you able to see any error there?
What exactly happen when you upload, you don't get any error message?

If it worked and now it is not working anymore, maybe there were some changes on the server (maybe some limits added, etc?)


Re: Frontend Upload

Posted: 31 Aug 2016, 12:06
by gedo
Hi Jan,

there is no error in the error log (php errors).
After upload there happens nothing, no error message. Its look like all normal, but the uploaded file isn't saved .
Where can I find the limits on the server?

Re: Frontend Upload

Posted: 02 Sep 2016, 14:10
by Jan
Hi, there are two main limits, which can be set in php.ini:

post_max_size - size of whole form data
upload_max_filesize - size of upload file

Mostly these two prevent from uploading larger files.
