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Single Cart multiple substores

Posted: 18 Sep 2016, 13:20
by arthurf
HI, I want to set up a store on a website that promotes Art & Artists. We want to have a single cart installation but run individual stores & payment systems for each artist.
Artist 1 has product 1, product 2, product 3
Artist 2 has product 4, product 5, product 6

Each artists managers their own products, All within the same cart installation.

Customer buys product 1, payment goes to Artist 1 bank account another customer buys product 4 and payment goes to Artist 2 bank account.

Ideally the customer should be able to buy product 1 and product 4 and the monies are split to each artists accordingly but this feature is less important.

Will Phoca Cart suit this set up.. Thanks

Re: Single Cart multiple substores

Posted: 18 Sep 2016, 15:51
by Jan
Hi, no, there is no such option for multiple vendors in Phoca Cart (because to still have it simple and fast and not overloading it with heavy multiple administrations, etc. etc.).


Re: Single Cart multiple substores

Posted: 20 Sep 2016, 14:10
by arthurf
Thanks Jan

Re: Single Cart multiple substores

Posted: 21 Sep 2016, 00:24
by Jan