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Creating personalised site fonts

Posted: 27 Nov 2016, 15:43
by zurkster
I've used other Phoca products for some while now and find they are easy to use in most cases. However on this occasion I wanted to ask a couple of questions that relates to creating my own font packages. We use a specific font for our logo and branding and would like to use this font site-wide. I've briefly looked at your .xml installer file and noticed it wouldn't be too hard to compile a customised replacement, even with limited coding experience.

My questions are:
  • 1. Has there been a compiler made available to assemble Phoca font packages?
    2. If not would simply re-writing the .xml to include my font files cause an potential conflict/s?
    3. Is there a method of fallback with font types not supported by some browsers?
Thanks in advance for any information offered, much appreciated...

Re: Creating personalised site fonts

Posted: 28 Nov 2016, 23:39
by Jan

1) no there is no compiler for Phoca Font packages, I just copy the files to ZIP and edit the XML
2) you can just use some current font XML package and edit it :idea:
3) yes, if you click on edit the font in administration, you can set alternative for the font, e.g.: "serif, arial, helvetica"
