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Multilingual Category Association

Posted: 03 Jan 2017, 15:38
by Dio
Good Evening,

I have a multilingual website, and i am using Phoca Download for my files.

I have lets say 100 files in en-GB in 10 categories, and i want to use them also in it-IT but having the category name to be in Italian.

Is there a way to create category association ? so i dont have to upload all my files again from the start to each new category i`ll create for each Language.

Thank you in advance.

Re: Multilingual Category Association

Posted: 06 Jan 2017, 01:23
by Jan
Hi, as in Joomla! you need to create new item for each language - but you can use the same file on the server for different Items:

1. IT - file IT -
2. EN - file EN -
