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message supprimes -Message deleted

Posted: 13 Jan 2017, 17:58
by daniel83160
Nouvel utilisateur de phoca guestbook, cela fait deux fois que les messages enregistrés disparaissent, plus aucune traces, ils restent presents quelque jours puis disparaissent !
est ce que quelqu'un a déjà rencontré ce problème ?


New user phoca guestbook, it makes twice that the recorded messages disappear, no more traces, they remain present some days then disappear!
Has anyone ever encountered this problem?


PHP exécuté sur Linux web27 4.4.26-20161020-1031-05fc878 #1 SMP Thu Oct 20 10:33:32 UTC 2016 x86_64
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Re: message supprimes -Message deleted

Posted: 17 Jan 2017, 12:07
by Jan
Hi, :idea: when user paste a post, such is displayed twice in frotend?


Re: message supprimes -Message deleted

Posted: 18 Mar 2017, 18:20
by bazi
Same problem here. It happened twice in few last days. Some posts disappeared not only from frontend, but also from backend. No unregistered user is allowed to delete messages. Yet some posts disappeared.

Re: message supprimes -Message deleted

Posted: 19 Mar 2017, 00:08
by Jan
Do you run some specific cron job on your server which e.g. cleans database tables on your site?

Are you able to see the posts in your database - in phoca guestbook table?

Did you check the rights for deleting posts (if users are not able to delete posts in frontend)?


Re: message supprimes -Message deleted

Posted: 20 Mar 2017, 01:01
by bazi
In the database table, there are only old posts, none of the new posts. But we got e-mails about most of those vanished posts.

No cron job, to my knowlede.

No Public rights, no Guest rights, even no Registered rights. Only Manager, Administrator and Super User group are granted the right to delete posts.

And it happened again today, all 3 new posts have gone.

We have started with older version of Phoca Guestbook, but upgraded to 3.0.5.
Joomla! 3.6.5
The website runs on older PHP 5.4.45.

Re: message supprimes -Message deleted

Posted: 21 Mar 2017, 01:39
by Jan
Does it mean, that such posts were included in the guestbook and then they were removed? Or they were never stored?

Re: message supprimes -Message deleted

Posted: 21 Mar 2017, 13:26
by bazi
They were stored, I saw them in the frontend and in the backend. Then they disappered.

There is one more problem: Even unpublished posts are visible in frontend. Only deleting posts makes them invisible. It is not important, but could it be relevant for this problem?

We open the guestbook only once a year for a month to gather public nominations for a prize. Last two years were OK, only after some system & components updates, this year after launching the process it seems every day all new posts disappear.

Re: message supprimes -Message deleted

Posted: 23 Mar 2017, 15:01
by Jan
Hi, did you download the guestbook from Phoca site? Do you run the latest version?
