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Problem with the path when uploading multiple files

Posted: 16 Mar 2017, 11:11
by Miguelus
I have been facing a problem with the multiple upload, when I charge the files, I get the path duplicated and the name of the file with the path, like this:
C:\inetpub\wwwroot\phocadownload\C:\inetpub\wwwroot\phocadownload\file.pdf and the name of the file C:\inetpub\wwwroot\phocadownload\file.pdf
I guess the problem is that is saving the path in the name of the file and then it can't to open it because is accesing a folder that doesn't exist.
I'm using IIS 8.5 with php 7.1 and the server is mine.Any idea how to fix it?

Re: Problem with the path when uploading multiple files

Posted: 16 Mar 2017, 16:44
by Jan
Hi, did you set own path? Do you get somewhere php error message (to see in which line of which code - to know which variable is wrong)?

Which version of Phoca Download do you run? (Testing on windows/apache on 7.1 - no path problems :idea: )


Re: Problem with the path when uploading multiple files

Posted: 21 Mar 2017, 11:29
by Miguelus
Hi, I don't, I used all default folders, I don't get any errors. It adds the file but when I'm going to download it says me that it couldn't found it.
The version is th last one in 3.6, I downloaded it a few days ago. As I said, for an strange reason is saving all the path in the name and then the path is duplicated. The download folder is phocadownload.Thanks for the reply
EDIT: If I change manually the path and the name after the upload it works, but the problem is that I have to upload a lot of files and I don't want to upload it one by one.

Re: Problem with the path when uploading multiple files

Posted: 23 Mar 2017, 15:00
by Jan
If you enable for test "direct link" in file edit, are you able to download such file?

Re: Problem with the path when uploading multiple files

Posted: 27 Mar 2017, 12:22
by Miguelus
I set the absolute path and then worked great, I don't know if that is requisite in every installation anyway works now.
Thanks for your time.

Re: Problem with the path when uploading multiple files

Posted: 27 Mar 2017, 22:57
by Jan
Ok, no, as default standard path should be used :idea:
