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Increasing the number of columns?

Posted: 02 Apr 2017, 22:34
by undermanager
Phoca download is great. I'm experimenting with it and am really impressed.

One thing I can't work out though: when viewing all the categories I've set up, they are listed in only three columns. I would really like to list them in five or six columns as I have a lot of space. I am fairly sure there must be a number or a percentage in the 'phocadownload css file' somewhere and have spent a few hours changing numbers to see if I can find the number that needs to be changed. I have not found the right place to make the change.

Can anyone help me, and tell me exactly what to change please?


Re: Increasing the number of columns?

Posted: 05 Apr 2017, 15:03
by Jan
Hi, this you need set in html output (there are two layouts - one with float boxes, second with bootstrap):


The best way is to override these views by template, not to do the modification directly in the code, so it will be not overwritten by upgrade. Some other way could be using the layout change in administration. ... load-theme


Re: Increasing the number of columns?

Posted: 08 Apr 2017, 14:21
by undermanager
Thanks. I will investigate ....