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User specific files

Posted: 25 Apr 2017, 13:29
by hagen_fenris
is it possible to allow only specifc users to view and download files?

For example:
Two categories A and B.
A with 4 files 1.doc, 2.doc, 3.doc, 4.doc
B with 4 files a.doc, b.doc, c.doc, d.doc.

If got 4 different users AA, BB, CC, DD

User AA should only see and be able to download the files 1.doc in category A and the file a.doc in category B
User BB should only see and be able to download the files 2.doc in category A and the file b.doc in category B
User CC should see anything
User DD should see and be able to download all of category A but nothing from B

Best Regards

Re: User specific files

Posted: 27 Apr 2017, 01:46
by Jan
Hi, there is access rights for categories and files.

So you can set group which can access the category but you can set it more detailed so group can only download one file from whole category.
And you can use unique token to download without registration or login but still protected with token: ... ess-rights ... nload-link