User specific files
Posted: 25 Apr 2017, 13:29
is it possible to allow only specifc users to view and download files?
For example:
Two categories A and B.
A with 4 files 1.doc, 2.doc, 3.doc, 4.doc
B with 4 files a.doc, b.doc, c.doc, d.doc.
If got 4 different users AA, BB, CC, DD
User AA should only see and be able to download the files 1.doc in category A and the file a.doc in category B
User BB should only see and be able to download the files 2.doc in category A and the file b.doc in category B
User CC should see anything
User DD should see and be able to download all of category A but nothing from B
Best Regards
is it possible to allow only specifc users to view and download files?
For example:
Two categories A and B.
A with 4 files 1.doc, 2.doc, 3.doc, 4.doc
B with 4 files a.doc, b.doc, c.doc, d.doc.
If got 4 different users AA, BB, CC, DD
User AA should only see and be able to download the files 1.doc in category A and the file a.doc in category B
User BB should only see and be able to download the files 2.doc in category A and the file b.doc in category B
User CC should see anything
User DD should see and be able to download all of category A but nothing from B
Best Regards