Hi Jan
I opened my Joomla 2.5 PhocaGuestbook SQL file in Notepad++ and manuelly changed 0000-00-00 00:00:00" to --> "2017-05-19 01:01:01
I run this query;
Code: Select all
INSERT `avsr3_phocaguestbook_items` (id, catid, parent_id, lft, level, username, userid, email, homesite, ip, title, content, date, published, checked_out, checked_out_time) SELECT id+1 AS id, 10013 AS catid, 1 AS parent_id, ordering AS lft, 1 AS level, username, userid, email, homesite, ip, title, content, date, published, checked_out, checked_out_time FROM `avsr3_pphocaguestbook_items`
And got these errors
(I am in localhost/PhpMyAdmin platform)
Code: Select all
Static analysis:
34 errors were found during analysis.
Unexpected token. (near "`avsr3_phocaguestbook_items`" at position 7)
Unexpected token. (near "(" at position 36)
Unexpected token. (near "id" at position 37)
Unexpected token. (near "," at position 39)
Unexpected token. (near "catid" at position 41)
Unexpected token. (near "," at position 46)
Unexpected token. (near "parent_id" at position 48)
Unexpected token. (near "," at position 57)
Unexpected token. (near "lft" at position 59)
Unexpected token. (near "," at position 62)
Unrecognized keyword. (near "level" at position 64)
Unexpected token. (near "," at position 69)
Unexpected token. (near "username" at position 71)
Unexpected token. (near "," at position 79)
Unexpected token. (near "userid" at position 81)
Unexpected token. (near "," at position 87)
Unexpected token. (near "email" at position 89)
Unexpected token. (near "," at position 94)
Unexpected token. (near "homesite" at position 96)
Unexpected token. (near "," at position 104)
Unexpected token. (near "ip" at position 106)
Unexpected token. (near "," at position 108)
Unexpected token. (near "title" at position 110)
Unexpected token. (near "," at position 115)
Unexpected token. (near "content" at position 117)
Unexpected token. (near "," at position 124)
Unrecognized keyword. (near "date" at position 126)
Unexpected token. (near "," at position 130)
Unexpected token. (near "published" at position 132)
Unexpected token. (near "," at position 141)
Unexpected token. (near "checked_out" at position 143)
Unexpected token. (near "," at position 154)
Unexpected token. (near "checked_out_time" at position 156)
Unexpected token. (near ")" at position 172)
SQL query: Documentation
INSERT `avsr3_phocaguestbook_items` (id, catid, parent_id, lft, level, username, userid, email, homesite, ip, title, content, date, published, checked_out, checked_out_time) SELECT id+1 AS id, 10013 AS catid, 1 AS parent_id, ordering AS lft, 1 AS level, username, userid, email, homesite, ip, title, content, date, published, checked_out, checked_out_time FROM `avsr3_pphocaguestbook_items`
MySQL said: Documentation
#1364 - Field 'path' doesn't have a default value