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Problem with Upload "phocadownload.sql"

Posted: 18 May 2017, 14:56
by luseklw
in the migration to Joomla 3 a installed a new Joomla 3.7.1. The importing of the data of phoca gallery from Joomla 2.5.58 to Joomla 3.7.1 runs without problems. But when I want to import the old phocadownload.sql into the new Joomla application I get the error message: "Möglicherweise wurde eine zu große Datei hochgeladen" d.h. "probably the data file is to big", but the phocadownload.sql is very small (14kb).
What can I do?

Best regarde


Re: Problem with Upload "phocadownload.sql"

Posted: 23 May 2017, 15:02
by Jan
Hi, can you paste a screenshot here? Really no idea what this can mean?
