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GDPR and cookies

Posted: 16 Nov 2017, 12:28
by enricocerica
In the GDPR new european legislation context we will have to conform to this and in addition to personal identifiation data, we also have to inform regarding the cookies usage.
Could you please give us information about the cookies used by your extensions and what they are used for ?

Extensions used :

Phoca Download and associated modules and plugins

This is very important for us as we are obliged to inform our users about that.
Thanks in advance

Re: GDPR and cookies

Posted: 18 Nov 2017, 13:17
by Jan
Hi, which exact information do you need?

Phoca Download uses Joomla! CMS and all information regarding users are managed by Joomla! itself (even the cookies, there are no specific cookies in Phoca Download - if user is logged in, the cookies are set by Joomla!)

Not sure if IP is a part of GDPR but if logging is enabled, the IP is stored in the database (but I think storing IP by website will be common item because it is used e.g. when protecting websites against spam and attacks)
