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Import 2500 goods, have only name and price

Posted: 08 Dec 2017, 17:21
by mokro
Hello, i am generate xlsx file and convert to cvs for import goods
During the xlsx generation, I noticed that some columns are not needed for importing, because it's hard to generate so many columns automatically. Once I did manage to leave columns with a name by the price category by availability and stock and something else, but I accidentally deleted this file.

What columns are needed to load a large amount of goods, and then I can further edit into the joomla?

id title alias sku ean price price_original price_groups price_histories tax categories manufacturer upc jan isbn mpn serial_number registration_key external_id external_key external_link external_text access groups featured video public_download_file public_download_text description description_long image images attributes specifications discounts related stock stock_calculation stockstatus_a_id stockstatus_n_id min_quantity min_multiple_quantity min_quantity_calculation length width height weight volume unit_amount unit_unit points_needed points_received point_groups published language date tags metakey metadesc

I used kind of: title price categories access groups featured stock stock_calculation stockstatus_a_id stockstatus_n_id published language
and it work, plus some more

Re: Import 2500 goods, have only name and price

Posted: 09 Dec 2017, 14:05
by Jan
Hi, just create one product in administration and export it so you will see the columns.

Database columns:

Code: Select all


Code: Select all

ID;Title;Alias;SKU;EAN;Price;"Original Price";"Price Groups";"Price History";"Tax Rate";Categories;Manufacturer;UPC;JAN;ISBN;MPN;"Serial Number";"Registration Key";"External Product ID";"External Product Key";"External Link";"External Link Title";Access;Groups;Featured;"Video URL";"Public Download File";"Public Download File Title";Description;"Description (Long)";Image;"Additional images";Attributes;Specifications;Discounts;"Related Products";"In Stock";"Stock Calculation";"Stock Status (Product > 0)";"Stock Status (Product = 0)";"Minimum Order Quantity";"Minimum Multiple Order Quantity";"Minimum Quantity Calculation";Length;Width;Height;Weight;Volume;"Unit Amount";Unit;"Points Needed";"Points Received";"Point Groups";Published;Language;Date;Tags;"Meta Keywords";"Meta Description"

Re: Import 2500 goods, have only name and price

Posted: 09 Dec 2017, 15:44
by mokro
Jan wrote: 09 Dec 2017, 14:05 Hi, just create one product in administration and export it so you will see the columns.

Database columns:

Code: Select all


Code: Select all

ID;Title;Alias;SKU;EAN;Price;"Original Price";"Price Groups";"Price History";"Tax Rate";Categories;Manufacturer;UPC;JAN;ISBN;MPN;"Serial Number";"Registration Key";"External Product ID";"External Product Key";"External Link";"External Link Title";Access;Groups;Featured;"Video URL";"Public Download File";"Public Download File Title";Description;"Description (Long)";Image;"Additional images";Attributes;Specifications;Discounts;"Related Products";"In Stock";"Stock Calculation";"Stock Status (Product > 0)";"Stock Status (Product = 0)";"Minimum Order Quantity";"Minimum Multiple Order Quantity";"Minimum Quantity Calculation";Length;Width;Height;Weight;Volume;"Unit Amount";Unit;"Points Needed";"Points Received";"Point Groups";Published;Language;Date;Tags;"Meta Keywords";"Meta Description"
I know this, but for good import, just a few of these columns
Because iam generate xlsx file via openpyxl and all colums it big data.
I managed to fill only a few columns and it worked
I do not know what?

Re: Import 2500 goods, have only name and price

Posted: 10 Dec 2017, 20:48
by Jan
Hi, sorry I don't understand what you mean with this question: "I do not know what?"


Re: Import 2500 goods, have only name and price

Posted: 15 Dec 2017, 09:14
by mokro
Which columns can be empty?

Re: Import 2500 goods, have only name and price

Posted: 16 Dec 2017, 19:09
by Jan
Hi, when you save the product in administration, you can get warning message when nothing is filled in (so you can see which columns are required)


Re: Import 2500 goods, have only name and price

Posted: 23 Dec 2017, 10:25
by mokro
Ooo.. iam solve, this columns can be non empty, and import success.

'groups' = """[{"id":"1","title":"COM_PHOCACART_DEFAULT"}]"""
'access' = 1
'published' = 1

Its not hack.
thnks, for phoca solutions!
I will definitely prepare a donate

Re: Import 2500 goods, have only name and price

Posted: 23 Dec 2017, 20:35
by Jan