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HTML file with embedded movie

Posted: 18 Jan 2018, 07:39
by BobRoberts
I am new to Phoca Download and have used it to create restricted content for my website visitors to stop direct URL access for various pdf documents. It is working really well thank you and I really like using it.

Now though I am wanting to do the same thing but for a folder containing a .html file with an embedded movie and quiz link and all the sub files that this html page uses.

I wanted to restrict access to a presentation.html file that I have put in my Phoca folder outside of public_html but it isn't working as well as with pdf's as (quite rightly) it downloads the presentation.html file first before opening it and doesn't play the movie.

Is there any way I can have a link using a public article to a Phoca protected .html file that simple allows this page to open in the browser as if it where in the public_html folder?

I don't want anyone who knows or sees the URL path for this html file to be able to visit it. They must click a link to it from a restricted article in my joomla site. I'm not sure if this is possible as I appreciate this is PhocaDOWNLOAD not PhocaFILEMAN say.

I have used it so well for PDF's to download and open but I really want it to work a little like a url to a file link in Joomla using the hyperlink ability of Joomla articles but have the url of that linked file be protected and managed how Phocadownload does for my pdf's.

I'm sorry if this doesn't make sense but would love to expand the files I can restrict to members only and am struggling to get my head around how this could work for a .html file

Thanks in advance for any help


Re: HTML file with embedded movie

Posted: 18 Jan 2018, 19:02
by Jan
Hi, Phoca Download uses two different folders, one for download and second for play and preview.

So if you add the file behind the public_html to download, it cannot be accessed, but the file for preview is stored in other folder, which allows to display this file normally :idea: ... ng-folders
