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Search results as thumbnails

Posted: 23 Mar 2018, 21:35
by slycrespo
I am using Phoca download and I like it verry much. I am making a page where users can download movie covers. I want to users to be able to search the covers by entering a movie name in search box. I enabled the search module in joomla but the results are like this:


Instead of results like on picture above, I want the results to be the thumbnails of movie covers and movie title.... I know that Phoca download doesn't make thumnails of uploaded files, but I make the thumnails with using specific icon on file uploading - look at the picture below:


So is it possible to make search results to be as thumnails and with the movie title? I hope you guys understand what I mean... I will donate some money to anyone that will solve my problem... Please help!

Re: Search results as thumbnails

Posted: 25 Mar 2018, 23:46
by Jan
So is it possible to make search results to be as thumnails and with the movie title? I hope you guys understand what I mean... I will donate some money to anyone that will solve my problem... Please help!
Hi, see similar posts in this forum, this was asked mainly by Phoca Gallery. But it is not about Phoca Gallery or Phoca Download or another Phoca extension - the search output is produced by Joomla! itself so Joomla! core files need to be edited, see Phoca Gallery guide: ... ch-results

it should be similar to Phoca Download (except the loading of image, it needs to be set in the plugin)


Re: Search results as thumbnails

Posted: 26 Mar 2018, 20:45
by slycrespo
it should be similar to Phoca Download (except the loading of image, it needs to be set in the plugin) - Can you explain this part please....

Re: Search results as thumbnails

Posted: 30 Mar 2018, 11:05
by Jan
Phoca Gallery uses thumbnails for displaying images in output file - so you have information from database about image and you need to find the right thumbnail for it. In Phoca Download there are no thumbnails, so when you get information about the image from database, you don't need to search thumbnails for this image but you directly display this image.
