404 error component not found
Posted: 19 Apr 2018, 16:47
Hello guys.
Use for 10 days phocaguestbook, it has always worked well. Today he decided to stop doing it.
I click my phocaguestbook from the site and gives me a page with 404 error in red. I decide to go to the backend to see what happened, I go on components and then Phocaguestbook, also in the backend it gives me the following error: "404 error component not found".
In despair I decided to uninstall the component of the extensions list, receiving this error:
I try to force an installation of the phocaguest component by receiving this error:
At this time, the "phocaguestbook" component folder is manually removed via ftp, however the extension list appears, and it does not allow me to uninstall or install the component.
I do not know how to solve this problem, I need this component on my website. Please can someone help me?
I tried to manually delete these too:
and these files:
I try to install the Phocaguestbook component and I now receive the following error:
Use for 10 days phocaguestbook, it has always worked well. Today he decided to stop doing it.
I click my phocaguestbook from the site and gives me a page with 404 error in red. I decide to go to the backend to see what happened, I go on components and then Phocaguestbook, also in the backend it gives me the following error: "404 error component not found".
In despair I decided to uninstall the component of the extensions list, receiving this error:
I decide then to manually remove the component folder inside the components folder of joomla via ftp, try again to uninstall, nothing, same error, moreover the component's entry remains in component list."Caution
JInstaller:: Install: The XML setup file could not be found
JFolder:: delete: Folder could not be deleted. Path: / members / chatamicizia / administrator / components / com_phocaguestbook
JFolder:: delete: The path is not a folder. Path: / members / chatamicizia / components / com_phocaguestbook
Component uninstallation: it is not possible to uninstall. Remove manually"
I try to force an installation of the phocaguest component by receiving this error:
I have read that a solution could be cleaned up manually from the SQL database, the site. https://www.phoca.cz/documents/16-jooml ... m-manually, but I did not understand how I should do it."Caution
JInstaller:: Install: The XML setup file could not be found
Copy failed: /membri/chatamicizia/tmp/install_5ad8aa243f69f/access.xml to /membri/chatamicizia/administrator/components/com_phocaguestbook/access.xml
JInstaller:: Install: Failed to copy file /membri/chatamicizia/tmp/install_5ad8aa243f69f/access.xml to /membri/chatamicizia/administrator/components/com_phocaguestbook/access.xml
Update component: unable to copy administrative files."
At this time, the "phocaguestbook" component folder is manually removed via ftp, however the extension list appears, and it does not allow me to uninstall or install the component.
I do not know how to solve this problem, I need this component on my website. Please can someone help me?
I tried to manually delete these too:
and these files:
I try to install the Phocaguestbook component and I now receive the following error:
JInstaller:: Install: SQL error Duplicate entry '1' for key 'PRIMARY'
Installation Extension: SQL error processing request: DB function failed with error number 1062
Duplicate entry '1' for key 'PRIMARY'
INSERT INTO `#__phocaguestbook_items` (`id`, `catid`, `parent_id`, `lft`, `rgt`, `level`, `path`, `username`, `userid`, `email`, `homesite`, `ip`, `title`, `alias`, `content`, `date`, `published`, `checked_out`, `checked_out_time`, `params`, `language`) VALUES
(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, '', 'ROOT', 0, '', '', '', 'root', 'root', '', '0000-00-00 00:00:00', 1, 0, '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '', '*');"