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Display component in newsletter content

Posted: 12 Sep 2018, 22:58
by DorothyDavis
I would like to either display a component or module inside the newsletter content or at least be able to iframe a webpage that is displaying the component. But it seems that iframing in Phoca newsletters are restricted for certain file types like videos or the phoca gallery. I'm not sure why this limitation is in place but I'd like to find a way to remove it because the component and module will not load from someone's email, but it will when a site that is displaying it is iframed into the email content. I've looked and found no answers. Has anyone else experienced this and found answers?

Re: Display component in newsletter content

Posted: 16 Sep 2018, 11:26
by Jan
Hi, mostly, allowing iframe is set in editor options on Joomla! For now I don't have any info about allowing file types like videos or Phoca Gallery :idea:

Honestly, I didn't test to add iframe into the email because the support for this is mostly disabled by mail services :idea:
