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Certains folders only visible for certain group

Posted: 14 Dec 2018, 19:19
by fransverhoeve

I would like to request that certain folders in Phoca Download where files are stored are only made visible for a certain group. So far, I only manage to prevent access being blocked with the message "you do not have access to this category". So I want the folder to be invisible for an unregistered user. How and where do I put that into?

Best regards,

Re: Certains folders only visible for certain group

Posted: 17 Dec 2018, 15:33
by Jan
Hi, sorry, I don't exactly understand what you mean? In Phoca Download you can manage access for categories where you can set if the category will be displayed or hidden when not accessible. When displayed, user will be asked for login when clicking on some file to download. :idea:


Re: Certains folders only visible for certain group

Posted: 19 Dec 2018, 21:59
by fransverhoeve
Thank you for your comment Jan

What I want is the following:

I have created 5 different categories in Photodownload with files.

I have 5 members who are only allowed to view their assigned category.

So when a member logs in he can not see the other 4 categories.

That is what I would like to organize.

Best Regards,

Re: Certains folders only visible for certain group

Posted: 29 Dec 2018, 14:01
by Jan
Hi, for now it works the ways that the categories are displayed but users who don't have access rights there, they cannot see the files inside :idea:
