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Error after placing message on phoca guestbook

Posted: 27 Dec 2018, 16:00
by guycarlens

Some visitors try to place a guestbook message on but an error appears: 'invalid
token' or 'possible spam detected'. I use the latest version of Joomla (3.9.1) an also latest
version of phoca guestbook (3.0.8)
How can i solve this?

Kind regards,


Re: Error after placing message on phoca guestbook

Posted: 29 Dec 2018, 01:28
by Jan
Hi, invalid token is a Joomla! feature and you get this error when you send the form which is not valid more (e.g. it was stored in cache and run after some time)

Possible spam detected - try to enable logging in Phoca Guestbook and you get more information why the post was marked as possible spam.


Re: Error after placing message on phoca guestbook

Posted: 30 Dec 2018, 12:51
by guycarlens

Logging is activated, but emty.

Still no solution for this common problem.


Re: Error after placing message on phoca guestbook

Posted: 31 Dec 2018, 18:48
by Jan
Hi, there is no solution until you don't get info what happened on your server. So when you have enabled logging, try to ask people who get problems with pasting posts into your sites to paste it there so you will get info in your log why the message was rejected (and then you can decide to remove the specific protection, etc.) :idea:


Re: Error after placing message on phoca guestbook

Posted: 01 Jan 2019, 16:50
by guycarlens
Hello Jan,

Logging is enabled, but i don't find errors, where can i see these errors?


Re: Error after placing message on phoca guestbook

Posted: 01 Jan 2019, 17:36
by Jan
You get the warnings in case, some post will be not added to the guestbook. Did happen, that some post was rejected?
