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Phoca upload gives an error message

Posted: 08 Jan 2019, 23:02
by zjoskebest
Hi, I wish you all a happy New Year 2019 !
A customer wants to upload a pdf via the frontend log-in. she gets an error message "file not uploaded" Maximum count of all your files reached " I have now created a fake user who has the same rights as the user and now the upload is executed. What is wrong and how can I solve this. ???
She has now removed 30 uploads, but she still gets the same error.
Kind regards ,
Jos Bogers

Re: Phoca upload gives an error message

Posted: 09 Jan 2019, 02:55
by Jan
Hi, what is the exact meassage, can you paste a screenshot? You can just set limits for the uploads in Options, just resize the limits there.


Re: Phoca upload gives an error message

Posted: 09 Jan 2019, 22:35
by zjoskebest
Hi Jan, Thank You
The error message is < "file not uploaded" Maximum count of all your files reached "> Image I do not know how to add a picture, because I made a picture of the error message.
This lady has been managing the website for 6 years. Uploads via frontend always succeeded, until recently no longer succeeded. If I log in via frontend under my own test-userID, I can simply upload it????
I also use her login details to test why that can go wrong, but I do not see anything abnormal
regards , Jos

Jan, would you be so kind to reply quickly because the problem has been around for some time (about 3 weeks)

Re: Phoca upload gives an error message

Posted: 13 Jan 2019, 15:19
by Jan
Hi, you need to test all the limits in Options


Maximum Size of all user's files
User File Upload Size


Re: Phoca upload gives an error message

Posted: 15 Jan 2019, 08:57
by zjoskebest
Hi Jan thank you for your reply.
I do not fully understand the above data. I can not find that scheme.
This is the only option-data I can see. 1 and 2 are uploads from the administrator and 3 are uploads as a test. But I could not delete the frontend User. (would you tell me how I can delete the 2 items?) What's happening.
The administrator of the website makes 1 upload per month per category. The visitors can then download these. The website has been around for 6 years and the administrator has, so far, always been able to upload via frontend. However, no longer anymore. If I now create a new userID for the administrator (as I did by frontend!!) uploads can be made again. I do not understand what I need to do now to solve this problem? can you help me ?? thank you
Kind regards,

Re: Phoca upload gives an error message

Posted: 15 Jan 2019, 12:41
by Benno

Kind regards,

Re: Phoca upload gives an error message

Posted: 15 Jan 2019, 14:57
by zjoskebest
Hi Benno, thank you very much. I have found tab:options and opened this. Then maximum count increased to 50 ???? maybe too high? or ...? Because it is not the users who upload. It is only the administrator who uploads the files. And then all users from the website can download the articles to their own environment.(PC etc.).
Have you viewed my image here above? (3 users, nb: 1 and nb: 2 have the same UID User 3 (named: frontend) is a test version and may be deleted, but it is not possible to delete it, is there a reason for this not to be deleted? ?
Kind regards,

Re: Phoca upload gives an error message

Posted: 16 Jan 2019, 11:58
by Benno
to allow the administrator to continue uploading files from the frontend, you only need to increase the values of the parameters recommended by Jan. (Post #4)

Kind regards,