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Colour of map markers (OpenStreetMap)

Posted: 20 Jan 2019, 18:52
by schwarzwaldbub
I am very happy with the new OpenStreetMap in Phoca Maps. Now I like to have more colours for the map markers. In the current version I have only red, darkred, orange, green, darkgreen, blue, purple, darkpurple, cadetblue.
Here I found in the path "administrator/components/com_phocamaps/models/forms" the file "phocamapsmarker.xml".

Code: Select all

<field name="osm_marker_color" type="list" label="COM_PHOCAMAPS_FIELD_MARKER_COLOR_OSM_LABEL" description="COM_PHOCAMAPS_FIELD_MARKER_COLOR_OSM_DESC" class="inputbox" size="1" default="blue" >
	<option	value="red">red</option>
	<option	value="darkred">darkred</option>
	<option	value="orange">orange</option>
	<option	value="green">green</option>
	<option	value="darkgreen">darkgreen</option>
	<option	value="blue">blue</option>
	<option	value="purple">purple</option>
	<option	value="darkpurple">darkpurple</option>
	<option	value="cadetblue">cadetblue</option>
In this file I can add new colours like white, black, gray, lightgray:

Code: Select all

	<option	value="white">white</option>
	<option	value="black">black</option>
	<option	value="gray">gray</option>
	<option	value="lightgray">lightgray</option>
This is very cool, because I need the lightgray marker!
But unfortunately more HTML-colours do not work (I get an orange marker), for example:

Code: Select all

	<option	value="yellow">yellow</option>
	<option	value="darkgray">darkgray</option>
	<option	value="gold">gold</option>
	<option	value="khaki">khaki</option>
	<option	value="#4700b3">#4700b3</option>
	<option	value="4700b3">4700b3</option>
Is there any possibility to add new colours? Especially "yellow" would be a nice option. ;-)

Best regards

Re: Colour of map markers (OpenStreetMap)

Posted: 27 Jan 2019, 20:00
by Jan
Hi, I think, this is much more a question on OpenStreetMap developers. The list is complete list of colors which are available for the markers, for the OSM function: L.AwesomeMarkers.icon. If it is somehow expandable, hard to say for now :-(
