Files not showing in backend "Files"
Posted: 29 Mar 2019, 07:24
I have an error when I access the Files area:
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in xxxxxxxxx/administrator/components/com_phocadownload/views/phocadownloadfiles/view.html.php on line 28
I have been using Phoca Download for many years. (My forum login was not found so I joined again and now I am a "Newbie")
I just upgraded to Phoca Downlaod v 3.1.7
I can no longer see files that were there previously and when I add a new file, it doe not appear either.
Where the files should appear, I just see ?>
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in xxxxxxxxx/administrator/components/com_phocadownload/views/phocadownloadfiles/view.html.php on line 28
I have been using Phoca Download for many years. (My forum login was not found so I joined again and now I am a "Newbie")
I just upgraded to Phoca Downlaod v 3.1.7
I can no longer see files that were there previously and when I add a new file, it doe not appear either.
Where the files should appear, I just see ?>