Multiple plugins cause the problem with closing detail view
Posted: 12 Apr 2019, 11:19
The single Phoca Gallery Plugin on my site page works correctly, but multiple plugins cause the problem with closing detail view. The image resized to small thumb stays visible in the page top area. I think the problem is the "Root element of PhotoSwipe" class resetting. It's the div-container with following class in detail view:
Closing the detail view must reset the class to:
But with multiple plugins closing the detail view resets it to:
So it don't remove the image with closing detail view. The issue example here:
Code: Select all
class="pswp pswp--supports-fs pswp--open pswp--notouch pswp--css_animation pswp--svg pswp--zoom-allowed pswp--visible pswp--animated-in pswp--has_mouse"
Code: Select all
Code: Select all
class="pswp pswp--supports-fs pswp--open pswp--notouch pswp--css_animation pswp--svg pswp--zoom-allowed pswp--visible"