Hi, in this case you need to override the download output file:
(copy to your template so your template overrides the output)
But this is not all, it does not include the information about the image, so e.g. on line cca: 32 you need to load information from the product id, e.g.:
Code: Select all
$productInfo = PhocacartProduct::getProduct($v->id);
if (isset($productInfo->image) && $productInfo->image != '') {
$pathItem = PhocacartPath::getPath('productimage');
$image = PhocacartImage::getThumbnailName($pathItem, $productInfo->image, 'small');
if (isset($image->rel) && $image->rel != '') {
echo '<img src="'.JURI::base(). $image->rel.'" alt="'.(isset($productInfo->title) ? $productInfo->title : '').'" />';
In short: 1) you get information about the product, including its image, 2) you get the path to the images, 3) you get the thumbnail of the image (in this case small), 4) and if there is an image for the product, you can echo it including alt information
Be aware:
1) do the changes in your template in override file so your changes will be not lost when updating Phoca Cart
2) the example with echo <img is not completet, you need to change your output, e.g. add the img tag into the bootstrap grid, etc. etc.