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Payment plugin specific to the African continent

Posted: 07 Aug 2019, 19:32
by jourdaon
I would like to develop some payment modules specific to the African continent and I would need your help, including a plugin for Western Union.

I explain the principle which is quite simple overall.
I have already done a part of the backoffice, I added fields Name, First name and telephone number of the seller.
A customer places an order, so he chooses Western Union, he goes to Western Union, proceeds to the payment by notifying the surname and phone name of the beneficiary.
Western Union gives him a transaction number, the buyer communicates it to the seller and the transaction can be done.



What I can not do is from the selection of the payment method, when we come to the page 'payment.html'
This information is displayed and an input field is present to insert the transaction code.


Code of course that we record and which must be visible from the backoffice on the order.


I'm trying to write my code in:
function PCPbeforeProceedToPayment
Is this the right place? Because nothing is displayed

Thank you for your help.

Re: Payment plugin specific to the African continent

Posted: 10 Aug 2019, 17:59
by Jan
first of all, did you read this article: ... evelopment

I have made comments for developers in PayPal Standard plugin:

So this can be useful too.

But most of payment communicate directly with the server of the vendor ...

What is the procedure of the payment:

1) Website: Your E-shop - you select Western Union, click on Order and you will be redirected to Western Union page
2) WU website- you add the payment and get the code and you will be redirect back to the page
3) Website: Your E-shop - now you are on your website and you need to have a form where you add the ID?

Does it work this way?


Re: Payment plugin specific to the African continent

Posted: 12 Aug 2019, 18:22
by jourdaon
Hi Jan,

Yes I left the Paypal plugin, I already a little advanced development ..
For Western Union, there is no automatic payment interface, it's much simpler than that, because they work by office.
The Western Union interface is connected to nothing, it's just a transfer mode. As a general rule in Africa people who use this mode of transfer, it moves in an office, it should be known that 70% of the population is not banked.

So it just requires a field where we insert a code by Western Union and we move to an office with the code to get the money, it's very rudimentary.

By cons I just noticed that there was no client administration interface on Phoca Cart? or I'm wrong?

The problem being that the person who places an order, can not return to the order and insert this code, it is obliged to redo his order and this requires an additional registration ...

I send you the script that I already start with email.


Re: Payment plugin specific to the African continent

Posted: 13 Aug 2019, 11:45
by Jan