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No route could be found between the origin and destination

Posted: 13 Aug 2019, 13:18
by kaiserdom
I'm running Phoca Maps 3.0.8 and every time I search a route and try to print it, I get a <<No route could be found between the origin and destination>> response. The problem remains the same for at least two years with no clue what's going wrong. Even though I get proper route results I'm not able to print them.
Best regards

Re: No route could be found between the origin and destination

Posted: 13 Aug 2019, 21:37
by Jan
Hi, it is really hard to give some advice there as this is a question on Google Maps API developers. When you look at your javascript console, do you get any error there? The rout is just produced by the Google Maps API, so there is no tool how to influence it from outside :-(
