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Cannot Embed module in marker html page

Posted: 19 Aug 2019, 07:33
by asalaices
I use a Regular Labs Extension "Modules Anywhere" to add a module in any article.
This does Not work in a marker or map html area.

Is the Content being "Prepared" by the Content Pre-Processor ?
I would please request that you add this functionality .



Re: Cannot Embed module in marker html page

Posted: 22 Aug 2019, 17:16
by Jan

it is not done intentionally. The content is displayed inside Javascript function and in fact every single "triffle" can break the Javascript code for all the website, so e.g. it is even protected to different problematic parts:

Code: Select all

$markerV->description = PhocaMapsHelper::fixImagePath($markerV->description);
$markerV->description = str_replace('@', '@', $markerV->description);
$text .= '<div>'. PhocaMapsHelper::strTrimAll(addslashes($markerV->description)).'</div>';
You can change it with your own override of this file:
components/com_phocamaps/views/map/tmpl\default.php (line cca 150)

but most module/plugin output just breaks the Javascript as they are not ready to display inside the Javascript.
