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Shipping and payment method options don't work

Posted: 20 Aug 2019, 19:39
by wendy
Hi, I've just seen that in shipping and payment setting there is a problem... in the first tab of both settings, general options, once I set the shipping method or the payment method, the text "Loading Shipping (or Payment) Method options, please wait" appears under the selection field, and nothing else it happens, so I have no way to set all the needed parameters: what can I do to fix the problem? I'm using Joomla 3.9.8 and Phoca Cart 3.3.1... thanks!


Re: Shipping and payment method options don't work

Posted: 22 Aug 2019, 16:48
by Jan
Hi, when the payment or shipping method includes specific parameters, they are loaded into the Payment Method Options tab:



Re: Shipping and payment method options don't work

Posted: 24 Aug 2019, 15:22
by wendy
Hi Jan, yes, i know that the specific parametres should be shown in the method options tab, but this is the point... nothing is shown there! I mean, when i select a shipping or payment method in the general options tab (e.g. Paypal standard), under this field a little spinning circle and the text “Loading Payment Method options, please wait" are shown, and if i go in the Payment method option tab, only the text Select a payment method to show its parameters is shown… it looks as if the selected payment method are not selected or recognized. I tried several times, changing settings, but nothing is changed and now I don't know what else to do... :x

Re: Shipping and payment method options don't work

Posted: 25 Aug 2019, 21:12
by Jan
Hi, is the plugin (e.g. the Phoca Cart PayPal plugin) installed and enabled on your website?


Re: Shipping and payment method options don't work

Posted: 26 Aug 2019, 13:13
by wendy
Hi Jan, of course, the shipping standard plugin and the paypal standard one are both installed and enabled; honestly I don''t know what to think more about...

Re: Shipping and payment method options don't work

Posted: 26 Aug 2019, 13:28
by Jan
The parameters are loaded per AJAX, are you able to debug AJAX?

- Open your Phoca Cart administration in Google Chrome
- Enable DevTools (Press F12)
- Go to Payment methods and edit some payment method
- Select some plugin and see the DevTools if there is no error, see image:

Click on Network - XHR and then on the link, maybe instead of status: 1 (success) you will see some error displayed there :idea:

Everytime you select some payment method the ajax will be reloaded, so you can see and check all the loaded methods if the success was returned.
