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Can different users save item files for the same category to the same folder?

Posted: 01 Nov 2019, 20:37
by kokbira
Hello. I love that component, but I face following issue about it:

- Administrator on backend create category X, added files on phocadownload/X and upload multiple items from the files of that folder;
- User A on frontend has permission to upload a file on category X, but its files are saved on phocadownload/A;
- User B on frontend has permission to upload a file on category X, but its files are saved on phocadownload/B.

The location that are stored files perhaps follows the actual philosophy of the component, that the files uploaded from a user are stored on a folder of that user. But thinking about the files are owned by the subject materialized by the category, it would be better that the files stored from A and B that be phocadownload/X, where the database that stores the files uploaded from them will continue to points who upload.

So, for users on frontend, are there any way to store files on a fixed category folder? And can that folder be exclusive of that category (to develop other categories to other folders)?

Re: Can different users save item files for the same category to the same folder?

Posted: 04 Nov 2019, 22:54
by Jan
Hi, see similar posts regarding independent file and database layer in Phoca Download and Phoca Gallery. When you e.g. set another category for the file, it is just on the same place. Even one file can be stored in more categories. So yes, the philosophy was just store the files uploaded by some user to one folder so everone knows who uploaded such file.

The main reason is just to not make different copies of one file in different categories if such file is used in more categories :idea:
