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Access/Upload/Delete Rights
Posted: 02 Jan 2020, 18:09
by mbrown2020
I wish this would be allowed to be done by group. Under the access it says it can choose the group or the access level from Joomla but not these rights. Why is this? This means each person has to be placed in here which is a huge problem.
Re: Access/Upload/Delete Rights
Posted: 05 Jan 2020, 15:42
by Jan
Hi, in Phoca Gallery and Phoca Download Access/Upload/Delete Rights were set to users directly as it was voted as the most used feature. Mostly galleries or download areas are managed by users for users themselves (e.g. each user has own gallery, has own download area). This is way these rights are set to users not to groups (see similar posts in this forum, where it was discussed and voted).