Failure notification
Posted: 20 Feb 2020, 12:37
After installing P-Panorama without any errors or probs, I can see the first view, control center perfectly.
Going to PANORAMA or CATEGORIES, I only see kind of a text based layout and at the end a failure notice (fatal error):
Fatal error: Class 'Joomla\CMS\Layout\LayoutHelper' not found in /home/netsh104744/html/immo-rhein-neckar/administrator/components/com_phocapanorama/views/phocapanoramaitems/tmpl/default_batch.php on line 22
Anybody out here , who can help me?
Joomla version is 3.6.5
PHP: 5.6.30pl2-gentoo
Going to PANORAMA or CATEGORIES, I only see kind of a text based layout and at the end a failure notice (fatal error):
Fatal error: Class 'Joomla\CMS\Layout\LayoutHelper' not found in /home/netsh104744/html/immo-rhein-neckar/administrator/components/com_phocapanorama/views/phocapanoramaitems/tmpl/default_batch.php on line 22
Anybody out here , who can help me?
Joomla version is 3.6.5
PHP: 5.6.30pl2-gentoo