Credit notes

Phoca Cart - complex e-commerce extension
Phoca Newbie
Phoca Newbie
Posts: 4
Joined: 22 Feb 2020, 15:27

Credit notes

Post by David75 »


We use and external billing software to manage all invoices for the products in our Phoca Cart. The format and numbering there is aligned to format and numbering in Phoca Cart.

But I'm not sure how to deal with refunds, credit notes and negative invoices in Phoca. In case a customer returns the product and we have to refund, we create a negative invoice in the external billing software but this will generate a new invoice number that doesn't exists in Phoca Cart. How can we manage this in Phoca Cart to ensure that orders/ invoices numbers are always the same in both places? Is possible to create on-the-fly this kind of invoice in the backend?

Thank you in advance,
