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How filter the documents in phoca download

Posted: 24 Jun 2020, 14:45
by tomifocus

I have a website where official decisions needs to be displayed. I created a page for these .pdf files using phoca download.
By clicking on the "Decisions" menu I list those pdf files that belongs to the selected category.
However I need to filter these pdf fiiles further because our colleagues would like to use this page for their daily work.
For easier usage they need to filter these pdf documents by categories, tags. Do you know any solution for this?
Please let me know your suggestions. Thank you in advance.

Re: How filter the documents in phoca download

Posted: 25 Jun 2020, 12:01
by Jan
Hi, in Phoca Download you can use categories or tags, but not categories and tags togehter.

If you nees some more advanced filter function, try to use Phoca Cart instead. It can like Phoca Download display files for download (public files) and the filtering is much advanced, see example:


Re: How filter the documents in phoca download

Posted: 30 Jun 2020, 12:25
by tomifocus
Hi Jan,

Thank you for your quick reply and hints.
Could you please send me more details about how can I use tags instead of categories?
My goal is to create menus which will open pages where I will display only those phoca download documents(pdfs) that was tagged by selected tags. For example Decisions will show only those documents where "decisions" tag was added at upload.
Please let me know how I can configure phoca download to filter the documents by tags instead of categories. Or where can I find the configuration guide for it.

Thanks and regards,

Re: How filter the documents in phoca download

Posted: 04 Jul 2020, 13:28
by Jan
Hi, when you filter a tag in Phoca Download, is has the same URL like category but it only gets the parameter &tag=1.

- you can create tags in Phoca Download
- set that when clicking on tag the link goes to search outcome - in Phoca Download options:


- then click on tag in category view (frontend), now you get the URL with tag:


- just copy this url and paste in menu link to create a menu link to this tag. The link just has following format:

Code: Select all


Re: How filter the documents in phoca download

Posted: 05 Aug 2020, 11:43
by tomifocus
Thank you very much for the detailed help.