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Is there a way to make a document open in new window, instead of same window

Posted: 11 Aug 2020, 20:01
by buxster07
I currently run Phoca Downloads 3.1.9.

I have set a direct link to my files so that a file can open in a window (instead of downloading it first). It would be extremely helpful if the new document window did not replace my website window that hosts the file. Is there a way for the direct link to open in new window (Target='_blank") instead?

Re: Is there a way to make a document open in new window, instead of same window

Posted: 15 Aug 2020, 13:07
by Jan
Hi, there is no such option, because mostly a direct link is used. When direct link to download is used, no window is opened, only download dialog. Where there is target _blank, then download dialog is opened and empty new tab which will be closed immediately - this can cofuse user, or browser which will try to prevent from opening it, so there is no such option for now.
