Stock Management: Hide product variations with stock=0
Posted: 18 Aug 2020, 15:25
each of my products has a required attribute where the customers selects either option A or B. Therefore, I selected the stock management option "Product variations". While it is possible to specify the stock for each attribute option separately, I am not sure which settings I need to select so that these numbers are actually considered. How can I make sure an attribute is not shown on frontend if the variation stock is 0? So far, either the product is hidden if the total stock (the stock set in the Stock Management tab) is set to 0, or it is shown with both attributes if the total stock is set to a positive number. So is it possible to hide a variation?
each of my products has a required attribute where the customers selects either option A or B. Therefore, I selected the stock management option "Product variations". While it is possible to specify the stock for each attribute option separately, I am not sure which settings I need to select so that these numbers are actually considered. How can I make sure an attribute is not shown on frontend if the variation stock is 0? So far, either the product is hidden if the total stock (the stock set in the Stock Management tab) is set to 0, or it is shown with both attributes if the total stock is set to a positive number. So is it possible to hide a variation?