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Footer in

Posted: 25 Aug 2020, 18:36
by nigelj
The first item is also posted on the Joomla forum.
  • I have an issue because the template I'm using doesn't display icons, so the PDF icon doesn't show up. I have a Print link, but the URL has the &print=1 parameter, but I need it to have &format=pdf. So the question is, can someone guide me with what I need to do to have the print link include the parameter &format=pdf (I'm using Joomla 3.9.20)?
  • Is it possible to include the current date and time in the footer? I can't see a {} tag mentioned on the Phoca documentation site to do this
  • I have the pagination tag in the footer right-aligned, but in the output the text is about 2/3 across the page, not at the right margin. Is this a bug?
Many thanks. N

PDF icon and footer

Posted: 26 Aug 2020, 10:45
by nigelj
Sorry, the subject should be 'PDF icon and footer'!

Re: Footer in

Posted: 27 Aug 2020, 14:42
by Jan

1) see implementation ... er-version

2) no, there is no variable for date for now.

3) pagination is fully managed by TCPDF class so unfortunately there is no option to change the alignment :-(


Re: Footer in

Posted: 27 Aug 2020, 15:15
by nigelj
Thanks Jan.

Re 1 - I've followed the instructions, but don't see a PDF icon (as this template doesn't display icons, only text links). Should I see a PDF link as I don't see icons?

There's also the Print link, but this is the standard Joomla link to print an article which doesn't call on Phoca PDF - I don't know which code in which file controls that link, or how to change it to direct it to Phoca PDF - maybe com_content/article/default.php, but how to edit it?

Re: Footer in

Posted: 28 Aug 2020, 15:57
by Jan

if the system plugin does not work, then unfortunately the only one way is to directly customize the content file and add the class directly :-(

Just see the documentation, you can see the listed files there: ... -component - see the first 3 articles, there is also a guide for core customization of article files.
