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Is there a frontend way to create a category for a file upload?

Posted: 01 Sep 2020, 14:56
by jzeevi
IIRC, PhocaDownload used to have the ability to allow a category to be created when a file was uploaded. Is that still possible?


Re: Is there a frontend way to create a category for a file upload?

Posted: 02 Sep 2020, 13:39
by Jan
Hi, there were no changes regarding frontend upload. :idea:


Re: Is there a frontend way to create a category for a file upload?

Posted: 02 Sep 2020, 17:04
by jzeevi
Thanks, Jan - did I miss a step in the install that allows my front end users to create a category for a file upload?

On my recent install, there's a way to select a category to upload a file into, but not a way to create a category.

I'm using version: 3.2.0

And, if I simply missed that there's not a way to do that, what would it take to be added?


Re: Is there a frontend way to create a category for a file upload?

Posted: 08 Sep 2020, 12:31
by Jan
Hi, in Phoca Download there were never the option to create category in frontend, this was possible e.g. in Phoca Gallery but not in Phoca Download. :idea:

It is in feature request list but still not implemented. :-( ... n-frontend


Re: Is there a frontend way to create a category for a file upload?

Posted: 08 Sep 2020, 14:54
by jzeevi
Just saw the last post from Jan - sorry for my earlier send.

What could be done to assist? Maybe some incentive? (read: $$)


Re: Is there a frontend way to create a category for a file upload?

Posted: 09 Sep 2020, 17:56
by Jan
Hi, unfortunately, for now there are a lot of feature requests waiting and unfortunately the priority is to overwrite the system to work with Joomla! 4 :-(
