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Problem with downloading documents

Posted: 16 Sep 2020, 16:43
by szk
I have problem with downloading documents from my website:
I check everything, but some dokument canĀ“t download.
PHP 7.3.13
Joomla 3.9.21

Re: Problem with downloading documents

Posted: 17 Sep 2020, 11:25
by Jan
Hi, now I see, this seems like some network problem. Does your server include some limitations, etc?

When I click on "resume download" then it works.


This is maybe more a question on webhosting provider, to see if there are no limits, or to check the error log on server because the download communication works between user and server - so there is no more Phoca Dowload active in the communication between server and user when download the file from server to user.
