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Multiple uploader front end

Posted: 30 Nov 2020, 09:55
by octavianc
I'm trying to set up a site for documents archiving.

I don't want to give users access to backend of the site, I want them to be able to upload documents from the front but also to be able to use the Multiple uploader option. the upload option using just 1 file is not quite viable since they will upload lots of documents.
If you have it as a paid feature, let me know and I will buy it.

Thank you in advance

Re: Multiple uploader front end

Posted: 02 Dec 2020, 18:42
by Jan
Hi, there is no such option, even no paid option, the multiple upload feature is just not implemented in frontend for now :-( ... it is planned, but still didn't find time to take a look at it :-(
