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Items with price by weight

Posted: 16 Feb 2021, 18:55
by vitoricciardi
I am building a grocery store that can therefore have items sold in pieces but also by weight, in this case I have to be able to enter a quantity that can have 2 decimals (0.20Kg), I think there is the possibility to manage it but I didn't found it

Re: Items with price by weight

Posted: 17 Feb 2021, 21:39
by jpeters
you can define the product weight.
the customer can order the amount of the product. currently there is no option to calculate based on user input.
in phoca cart you define generaly the settings for weight.
then on the specific product you can define the weight.
but weight is used for shipping calculation and not for price. so basicly you simply have products with weight.
if you use attribute or advanced stock management you can create multiple weight and price.