Mobile version of email message

Phoca Email (Newsletter) - sending emails and managing newsletters in Joomla! CMS
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Mobile version of email message

Post by f.gruber »

is there a way to create a mobile version of an email message?

I tried to place a style container with media queries at top of the message. But the Joomla Editor (both JCE and TinyMCE) removes this code.

How can I make newsletters mobile-frienly using Phoca Email?
Thank you for each hint.
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Re: Mobile version of email message

Post by Jan »

Hi, try to see options of the editors if there is no settting to allow style container. Hard to say, but maybe there is no such option, even there can be problem with email clients (if they will accept it)

Maybe the simplest way is just make the design of the email mobile ready for both/all (mobile or desktop) screen devices only :idea:

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