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dropdown for attributes instead of "checkbox" or "select"?

Posted: 13 Aug 2021, 17:34
by kwherzog
Dear all,
I am new to phoca cart and setting up a store for my sister. I found wonderfull phoca cart demos/ pages where- instead of checkbox or "select"- a dropdown opened for the attributes selection in the product view; with the selection via dropdown the picture of the selection opened instead of the main picture. How is it possible to do so?
I work with gantry5 and latest joomla and also latest phoca cart. I made the overrides for gantry, all plugins and modules are available and installed. I tried it with a gantry template (finance pro) as well as the phoca premiere template for gantry and followed there the instructions how to setup the modules etc.
I am meanwhile quite desparate on that.

Thanks in advance for your help


Re: dropdown for attributes instead of "checkbox" or "select"?

Posted: 14 Aug 2021, 13:50
by Jan

first of all, you need to set, that images can be changed when chaning parameters (see Phoca Cart options - you can dynamically change image, stock, price, EAN/SKU, ...)

Then you need to select images for each parameters (small which will be displayed as e.g. radio button, and large which is assigned to the product image and will change when selecting the attribute)


Re: dropdown for attributes instead of "checkbox" or "select"?

Posted: 14 Aug 2021, 17:31
by kwherzog
Hi Jan,
thanks for the answer. I will check and try.


Re: dropdown for attributes instead of "checkbox" or "select"?

Posted: 16 Aug 2021, 11:51
by Jan