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Automatic thumbnail generation

Posted: 24 Dec 2021, 20:17
by alfredopacino
I believe you get this a request a lot: it would be nice for a download manager to generate automatically a jpg thumb of pdfs (or images, or MS Word docs). Is there a way to do that? It would be a pretty simple feature (via Imagemagick)

Re: Automatic thumbnail generation

Posted: 27 Dec 2021, 17:21
by Jan
Hi, for now, there is no such option. Thumbnails are part of Phoca Gallery or Phoca Cart. Imagemagick is great library, the problem is, it is not a standard part of PHP on servers.


Re: Automatic thumbnail generation

Posted: 28 Dec 2021, 13:54
by alfredopacino
Imagemagick is just an example, you can choose the way you want to generate thumbnails.
Also, you may even evaluate to embed Imagemagick binary in Phoca download/gallery packages, if their license allows that. It wouldn't be the worst solution.

Re: Automatic thumbnail generation

Posted: 03 Jan 2022, 01:22
by Jan
Yes, it was only BTW regarding the imagemagick. Phoca Gallery like Phoca Cart uses GD, which is enough for thumbnails. But for Phoca Download, there is no such option yet.
