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Phoca Download V 4.0.0 runs very well so far - One little thing: Tags cannot be hidden

Posted: 30 Mar 2022, 11:09
by risk4me

Phoca Download V 4.0.0 runs very well so far. I noticed one little thing:
I use tags and do not want to display or make them visible on the website.

This function does not work properly. You cannot make the tags invisible.

If you select "No" in the "Show tags" options, the tags will still appear. Maybe this is a small bug.

Is there a solution to this?

Thanks for the support

Re: Phoca Download V 4.0.0 runs very well so far - One little thing: Tags cannot be hidden

Posted: 30 Mar 2022, 15:33
by Jan
Hi, testing now, I get no problems:






Re: Phoca Download V 4.0.0 runs very well so far - One little thing: Tags cannot be hidden

Posted: 01 Apr 2022, 13:58
by risk4me
Hello Jan

Thanks for the quick reply.
Hiding and showing tags works fine.
I meant the tags (string) in the menu option

Is it also possible to hide the tags (string)?
What are the tags (string) important for?
For SEO?

Thank you for your answer. :D

Re: Phoca Download V 4.0.0 runs very well so far - One little thing: Tags cannot be hidden

Posted: 04 Apr 2022, 12:03
by Jan
Hi, there is no such option for now :-(

Tags (string) is just simplified version of tags, for example you don't want to use these tags for searching and you don't want to create them and select them. Mostly used when the tags are different for each item. E.g. you release a file which is "Beta" and has version number "4.0", then you only add "Beta, 4.0" to Tags (string) parameter (no selecting tags, no creating new, etc.)


Re: Phoca Download V 4.0.0 runs very well so far - One little thing: Tags cannot be hidden

Posted: 04 Apr 2022, 13:32
by risk4me
Hi Jan

Thank you for the answer.
Now I understand it.

Best regards, Eugene