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I can't import products

Posted: 22 May 2022, 11:52
by saltri77
Good morning,
I'm here again asking for help with the usual issue of importing products. I need to allow my client (site owner who does not understand mysql and php because he does another job and not mine) to be able to load products correctly.
Since there are thousands of products I had created a simple form to do it. It works perfectly to load categories etc., but when I have to load the products it doesn't work, or rather, it works but then the database doesn't take the products, I think the reason is the fact that in the table relating to products _phocacart_products the field is not present of categories. And since the categories are mandatory the database does not load the products. How can I do? Or, can you tell me the categories field in the related table? Thanks.

Re: I can't import products

Posted: 25 May 2022, 23:59
by Jan
Hi, the reason is the category feature - multiple category - which means that products can be stored in more categories. To store such data for such feature, new reference table needs to be done. So the category is not stored in product table row, because it can include more than one category, see: ... 23#p170426


Re: I can't import products

Posted: 26 May 2022, 10:10
by saltri77
Ok, thank you. I will see the item you suggested me

Re: I can't import products

Posted: 28 May 2022, 12:11
by Jan