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Attention phoca download programmers

Posted: 07 Oct 2022, 20:33
by Jhorton
I have had the need to reprogram a line of code to the plugini phoca download, I need to know if it is correct or is there another way to configure the component to avoid programming ineed plugin function next code:

line 680 to 682 plugin hocadownload.php (content)

} else {
$output .= '<div class="phocadownloadfile'.(int)$iSize.'"><a href="'.urlencode(rtrim(JURI::root(), '/')).urlencode (JRoute::_($link)). '" '.$targetOutput.'>'. $textOutput.'</a></div>';

<author>Jan Pavelka (</author>
<copyright>Jan Pavelka</copyright>

Re: Attention phoca download programmers

Posted: 08 Oct 2022, 00:30
by Jan
Hi, not sure what do you mean with "correct". Do you get any error there? Does it work for you?
