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Coding advice

Posted: 20 Dec 2022, 07:42
by Stuart James
I have a requirement for a product to have an attribute that allows the user to enter a maximum of 12 text characters.

The currently available text options are Text (64), Text (128) and Text (256).

I don't think that these options are configurable. Is this correct?

On the assumption that this is code based, I have reviewed the code, and believe I understand how to implement other options. I am aware that a little knowledge can be a dangerous thing :-)

What I am missing is how to do this in a manner so that the changes are not overwritten by an upgrade of Phoca Cart. Or is it a matter of redoing the changes I require if/when I upgrade? Can anyone offer any advice on this?

Re: Coding advice

Posted: 20 Dec 2022, 11:03
by Alexander
Hi Stuart
Sorry if a relative newcomer answeres your question. If you need to change Phoca code and want to have these changes survive an upgrade, you can easily create a so called "template override" of these files. Have a look at the Joomla documentation how to do that.
Kind regards

Re: Coding advice

Posted: 20 Dec 2022, 12:45
by Stuart James
Thank you Alexander.

I will have a look at the doco in the next day or so.