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TAG and Label do not store.

Posted: 31 Jan 2023, 14:47
by Robx61
:x Good morning. My problem today is the following: Backend, product tab, "Publishing Options" panel: the two items "TAG" and "Labels" don't store anything. I tried looking in the general options for some reference to be able to activate them but I couldn't find anything relevant. I wanted to try to figure out how to fix this. it's a BUG? could the problem be in the database? Any plugins to activate? Has anyone had the same problem? How can this be solved? :!:

Thank you for your patience and possible cooperation.


Joomla 4.2.6 PhocaCart 4.0.5

Re: TAG and Label do not store.

Posted: 31 Jan 2023, 20:14
by Jan
Hi, first of all, do you get the same problem with latest Beta version: ... ?

Re: TAG and Label do not store.

Posted: 31 Jan 2023, 22:23
by Robx61
Thanks Jan, I ran a test with the beta version you recommended but nothing changed. The test was done on an exact copy of the site installed on a server running under a parallel domain where I make changes and tests before putting the changes on the official site.

Re: TAG and Label do not store.

Posted: 01 Feb 2023, 01:17
by Jan
Did you migrate or did you make fresh install of Phoca Cart? When you enable debug mode, do you get any error message when saving the item?

Re: TAG and Label do not store.

Posted: 01 Feb 2023, 17:22
by Robx61
It is an installation that I performed two years ago, with all the updates that have occurred over time. Debugging does not report any errors. Simply when I enter a word in both the TAG and the label it doesn't store it. It should become like a "button" followed by "X" to remove or recall it, instead it remains "normal" text that disappears when I save... :?

In Joomla articles outside PhocaCart the Tags work normally with the memorization of the Word which becomes recallable in a list that is updated with each word added... :(


Re: TAG and Label do not store.

Posted: 03 Feb 2023, 18:57
by Jan
Can you paste a screenshot of "it should become like button ..."

Yes, it should look like button:

If not, it can even be some Javascript error which prevents from displaying and adding the value

Try to see Devtools and check Javascript console if there is no error :idea:


Re: TAG and Label do not store.

Posted: 03 Feb 2023, 22:04
by Robx61
I did a local installation from scratch. Joomla 4.2.6 with update 4.2.7. Then I installed PhocaCart 4.0.5 new and without any added extraneous extensions to the component. I introduced a new digital card as a new product with the same features as the ones I have online. In the "Publishing Options" tab, I entered the TAG and label and when saving, the system replied "Fields not correctly filled in"... it should be just text and what I entered but nothing..." "Fields not correctly filled in". .. so at this point I have to assume that this is a big bug that penalizes the products included in Phoca Cart in terms of SEO ... how do we solve it? ...


Re: TAG and Label do not store.

Posted: 07 Feb 2023, 15:01
by Robx61
... no solution? :cry:

Re: TAG and Label do not store.

Posted: 09 Feb 2023, 17:23
by Jan
Hi, can you paste a screenshot of the error message: "Fields not correctly filled in" ... there is no such error message in Phoca Cart. :idea:

Are you sure, it is a Phoca Cart part? Did you create the tags and labels in Phoca Cart Tags correctly?


Re: TAG and Label do not store.

Posted: 17 Feb 2023, 12:51
by Robx61
Where in Phoca Cart are TAGS and labels stored? In Joomla Tags are correctly stored in your component, in Phoca Cart they are not saved and there is no folder or archive that collects them... :?
